Tuesday 10 October 2017

14 Easy Home Made Food recipes

When I was contemplating on introducing solids to my baby, I was in a bit of a dilemma. Should I resort to processed food or give baby home-made food? When I consulted with my other mommy friends, I discovered most of them had chosen the convenient option of ready-made formula food. So, after getting a green signal from my baby’s paediatrician I too followed suit.
But within a few weeks, I realized that my baby wasn’t too excited about it. In fact, after a couple of weeks, she had started to reject it. Every time I tried to feed her, she turned her head away. Well, I don’t blame her. How could you expect her to eat something so insipid and plasticky when there was a world of flavours out there?
4-6 Months
When your baby is between 4-6 months, stick to soft foods in puree form. It makes it easy for the baby to swallow and digest.

1. Banana Puree 

Bananas are rich in potassium and fibre. They’re one of the best first foods for babies – easy and very gentle on the stomach. However, be careful not to overfeed, as it could cause constipation

Recipe for Banana Puree
· Peel one small banana and mash it in a food processor
· To dilute the consistency, could add a little milk.

2. Brown Rice Porridge This is one of the most common first foods as it is light, easily digestible and safe for babies. To make feeding easier, you could make it as a thin consistency.
Recipe for  Brown Rice Porridge
· Dry grind a tbsp of brown rice
· Mix the rice with half cup of water in a cooking vessel.
· Cover it until it boils and reduce the heat
· Cook it for another 20 with cover
· If you want thinner consistency, add more water
· Add a pinch of salt and ghee for taste

3. Carrot Puree

Carrots are wonder foods loaded with vitamin A and antioxidant betacarotene.
How to make Carrot Puree
· De-skin and dice a small carrot
· Cook it well in about ½ cup of water with cover
· Allow it to cool and puree it the blender

4. Peas Puree

Peas are a high source of protein. It’s packed with vitamins A and C, iron and calcium too. To make sure that the skin doesn’t get in the way of eating, strain the puree to get a smooth consistency.
  • Wash and cook a handful of shelled peas
  • Cool the peas and blend it to a smooth consistency in a blender
 5. Apple Puree
Apples are naturally sweet and there is a good chance that your baby will love it! They make for ideal first fruits as they are easy to digest.
How to make Apple Puree
· Halve a medium sized apple.
· Cut the core and deseed it before cooking it in a saucepan
· Steam in pressure cooker – for 6-7 minutes
· Cool and blend into a smooth puree

6. Avocado Puree 

Avocado is a perfect first food for baby. Its buttery texture makes it a great weaning food. Avocado contains omega-3 which is good for the baby’s brain development 

Recipe for  Avocado Puree

· Take a ripe avocado, cut into half and remove the seed.
· Scoop out the flesh and transfer it into a bowl.
· Mash thoroughly with a fork or spoon or puree it in a blender.
· Add sugar and mix well.
· To dilute the consistency, add some water

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